Thursday, December 29, 2005

Welcome to my blog

Hello, I am Arjun Raghuraman, a graduate student of Medicinal Chemistry at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA. As an undergraduate, I spent four years studying Pharmaceutical Science at S.R.M. College of Pharmacy, Chennai, India. These four years established my foundations in Organic and Physical Chemistry, and piqued my interest in Medicinal Chemistry, a fascinating science that uses the prinicples of Chemistry and Biology to create new molecules that could ultimately be developed into new medicines.

Currently, I am studying a diverse class of molecules called glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) under the tutelage of Dr. Umesh Desai. The aim of my project is to study the interaction of GAGs with proteins and use this information to design and synthesize various mimics of GAGs that could serve as anti-coagulants, anti-viral agents, and possibly anti-cancer agents.

Over the next few years, I will post new information about my research with links to my publications. I will also post short accounts of my understanding of scientific topics that interest me.